What is Majestic Million?
Majestic Million is a free, publicly available list of the top 1 million websites on the internet, ranked by the number of referring subnets linking to them. It’s like a leaderboard for website popularity, but instead of measuring traffic, it measures the breadth of a website’s backlink profile. This data is provided by Majestic, a leading SEO and backlink analysis company.
Majestic Million Features
The Majestic Million provides the following data points for each of the top 1 million websites:
- Position: The website’s rank within the top 1 million.
- Domain: The website’s domain name.
- TLD: The website’s top-level domain (e.g., .com, .org, .net).
- TLD Rank: The website’s rank within its specific TLD.
- Referring Subnets: The number of unique Class C subnets that link to the website. A subnet is a range of IP addresses, and this metric provides a good indication of the diversity of a website’s backlink profile.
- Referring IPs: The number of unique IP addresses that link to the website.
- Data Source:
- Data is pulled from Majestic’s Fresh Index.
- Export:
- The list can be exported as a CSV file (approximately 80MB).
Majestic Million Usecases
The Majestic Million data can be used in various ways:
- SEO Research: Get a broad overview of the most linked-to websites on the internet.
- Competitor Analysis: Identify top-performing websites in your industry or niche.
- Market Research: Understand the distribution of websites across different TLDs.
- Data Analysis: Use the dataset for academic research, data mining, or other analytical purposes.
- Benchmarking: Compare your own website’s backlink profile (in terms of referring subnets) to the top websites.
- Example: A cybersecurity researcher could use the Majestic Million to identify potentially vulnerable websites based on their TLD and backlink profile. Or, a digital marketer could analyze the top websites in a specific niche to identify potential link building opportunities.
The Majestic Million is a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding the landscape of the internet. It’s like a snapshot of the most well-connected websites, providing a unique perspective on website popularity and influence. By offering this data for free, Majestic provides a valuable service to the SEO community, researchers, and anyone interested in web data analysis. The ability to download the data as a CSV makes it easily accessible for a wide range of applications.