My Udemy Teaching Sucess (First 3 Weeks)

udemy teaching

So I decide to submit my SEO basics course which I created to Udemy.

There was a medium-level process where I had to make sure the course is optimized, chaptered for the Udemy platform.

After completing I submitted it.

Then I got the approval after a day once and my course was live and it marked the start of my Udemy journey.

I shared the news with my community and the response was amazing!

Here is the live link:

Then within 10 days I got 400 students and 9 reviews. The support I got was overwhelming!

Then it kep on increasing where after another week I got 2819 students and 16 reviews.

As of now, the count stands at 3727 students and 28 reviews.
So far this has been huge motivational journey to me and this shows the potential of reaching your students through Udemy.
I am going to keep on working on more new courses and also publishing them on Udemy.
Thank you and see you in the next post.
